Great Lifehacker Post

I have not been a great blogger lately. I can't believe that my last post was on May 31st.

This week I saw a great post on Lifehacker is an awesome blog with loads of posts about interesting tips about life. This week they had a post on some language tools. Click here to check them out.

I had seen or used most of the tools, but the one I didn't know about was After the Deadline. So far, it seems to be quite good. It's a nifty tool that could probably best be described as the Super Hero version of Spelling/Grammar Checkers. Language teachers, especially writing teachers, might find it incredibly helpful. I hope to teach a class at the ELC next semester. If I do, and if it's writing, I might explore some of these things.


  1. Ben, thanks for this great link! I'm looking forward to checking it out. By the way, here is the post on my blog of your I-TESOL presentation: I gave you credit. :) Thanks again for the helpful info you shared!


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