
Showing posts from March, 2011

Watch this!

Help me win! Watch this video: I am participating in a competition in Instructional Design at BYU. The first part of the competition was pitching our product to a panel of judges. My team won! For the second part, whichever design team gets the most people to watch their pitch video wins an ipad. Please watch our video. I get 10 points for every unique state or country that views it and 1 point per person. Please tell your friends to watch it too. The deadline for the competition is April 7, 2011 at 11:59pm.

CALL Reading

I am in the thick of reading in preparation for the big "D" . . . and I don't mean Dallas (which would be fun). . . or divorce (which would be horrible).  No, this "D" is somewhere in the middle and it stands for Dissertation. I plan on defending my prospectus soon. I've already started working on one of my articles. As I was hauling my books around the house this evening I thought I should take a picture so I could remember how much fun I am having—and I'm not being sarcastic. Some days are not fun, but for the most part I enjoy what I am doing.