TESOL 2010

It's been almost 2 weeks since I attended the TESOL 2010 convention. I have been swamped with work, but wanted to include some notes about the sessions I attended. I went to a panel on qualitative research. I was expecting more from it. I liked David Freeman's presentation. I'm not sure what he said about research, but it was good. The next speaker was really good and animated. I really liked what she talked about with active research and qualitative research. I really need to write more and so some self-study. Really this hasn't talked a lot about qualitative research. Monrage brought up some good points about how it is difficult for English teachers to teach if they themselves have low english proficiency. It really isn't discussing qualitative research, but using materials that could be used in qualitative work. I like that they published a book. That is really cool. Another presentation that I went to was on the use of video with pre-service teachers.The...