iLife, ESL, and the Past Tense
I recently did a Poster Session at an Apple Education Conference: AcademiX. It was a lot of fun. I thought that I would share what what I did. For more information you can look at the Poster Session PDF . Overview For starters, this is something that I did with my intermediate ESL students. In order to help them with them learn the past tense, I gave them an assignment. The student videos were comprised of two parts. First, the students drew their story as if it were a comic. Second, the students narrated the story. Preparation 1. The students were divided into groups of four or five. 2. Each group was assigned one of the four topics: • Frightening Experience - Fire • Frightening Experience - Car accident • Frightening Experience - Getting Lost • Most Embarrassing Moment 3. Each group brainstormed to find a good story to tell for their assigned topic. 4. The students then began to take turns drawing pictures to go with their stories. 5. While not drawing, the other student...