Productivity and Technology
First of all, welcome to my professional blog. I thought about having a welcome post, but then I thought that I should get right down to business. I'm a tech guru. I assume that some of my future readers might be as well. I also like to be creative and make things. As I started working on my blog, digital teaching portfolio, and website, I really wanted to do some cool stuff. Cool stuff takes time. One of the things that I think all teachers and basically anyone who has a life should do is carefully way options. I could spend hours developing my own blog, porfolio and website. It would be fun. I would enjoy myself. Unfortunately, it would also keep me from actually doing what I wanted to do: blog. One day I might do it too, but why re-invent the will. So, I'm using wordpress like crazy. Wordpress for the blog, wordpress as a CMS , and wordpress as an information and direction hub. For me it came down to what the purpose actually was. Will I do some web development for fun? Sur...